R5.0 Insulation
R5.0 insulation helps to reduce energy and creates a more comfortable home. R5.0 insulation is a once-off investment that is designed to last for the lifetime of your home. Up to 35% of your heating and cooling energy can be lost through the roof unless your ceiling is properly insulated.
R5.0 Insulation – Is it effective?
R5.0 ceiling insulation is recommended in cooler regions such Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide. If your ceiling was insulated many years ago, there is a good chance that what was installed has lost some of its effectiveness. Even if the insulation was considered a good quality product at the time, it might be delivering less thermal benefit than it was originally specified to deliver. Most types of bulk insulation will settle and compress over time. Because insulation is full of tiny air pockets, the more it is compressed, the less effective it becomes in reducing the transfer of heat. If R5.0 insulation was installed decades ago, it may be providing you with a real R-Value of less than that, maybe 2.5 or 3.0 at the most.
Should I Install Glasswool or Polyester R5.0 Insulation?
Glasswool insulation is manufactured from recycled glass and sand material. It is Australia’s most common insulation material and does not absorb moisture, attract vermin or rot. Glasswool has millions of fibres that trap air and prevent heat from penetrating through the material. On the other hand, polyester is made from recycled plastic bottles and in addition to having most of the advantages of glasswool it has no breathable and itchy fibres. Polyester is well-known for having non-allergenic properties and being suitable in homes where asthma and severe allergies are a concern. Deciding the right insulation product for your home will depend on your needs, climate and budget.