Pink Batts Ceiling Insulation
Pink Batts Ceiling Insulation is manufactured in Australia by Fletcher Insulation and remains one of our most best selling insulation products. In addition to the popular thermal ceiling insulation range, Fletcher makes an extensive range of other products including:- Pink Batts Wall insulation for both internal and external walls
- Pink Soundbreak insulation – specially designed for acoustic purposes
Video – What R-Value Should I Install?
Ceiling insulation reduces need for air-conditioning
This insulation product is made from lightweight, flexible and resilient glasswool (sometimes referred to as mineral wool), specially designed for the thermal insulation of ceilings and walls in domestic and commercial buildings. Correctly installed ceiling insulation can greatly reduce the load on your home air-conditioner, resulting in significant cost savings. If your home currently has no ceiling insulation, consider investing in Pink Bats. For more detailed advice, please visit out Contact Page, or phone us on 1300 729 639.Keep Your Insulation High and Dry for Optimal Performance
Thermal insulation should never be allowed to get wet. Ideally they should be stored indoors completely out of the weather, but if they do need to be placed outside for a short period of time, make sure they are standing off the ground (e.g. on a pallet) and completely covered with a waterproof plastic bag. If your insulation becomes really wet, it is as good as ruined, and it should under no circumstances be installed, as this can cause rot and other issues in the roof cavity. Also, wet insulation will never work as it should, since the microscopic air-pockets in the glasswool will now be filled with moisture instead of air. Should only the surface of the insulation become slightly wet, place it immediately outside, preferably in the sun where it can dry out completely.Shop Online for Pink Batts Roof Insulation
Pricewise Insulation sells the following Pink Batts Ceiling Insulation products in 430mm and 580mm widths:- R2.5 Pink Batts Ceiling Insulation – 130mm thick
- R3.0 Pink Batts Ceiling Insulation – 155mm thick
- R3.5 Pink Batts Ceiling Insulation – 175mm thick
- R4.1 Pink Batts Ceiling Insulation – 215mm thick
- R5.0 Pink Batts Ceiling Insulation – 220mm thick
- R6.0 Pink Batts Ceiling Insulation – 250mm thick
- R7.0 Pink Batts Ceiling Insulation – 285mm thick